Soutien Gestuel

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LAUNONEN, K. (2003). Early Grammatical Development of a Boy with Down Syndrome Using Manual Signs and Spoken Finnish. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 38(2), 179-187.

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POWELL, G., (1999). Current Research Findings to Support the Use of Signs with Adults and Children who have Intellectual and Communication Difficulties. Camberley: MVDP.

Bébés signeurs

BOUHIER-CHARLES, N., (2001). Les bébés signeurs: Le langage gestuel avec bébé. Paris.

GARCIA, J., (2002). Sign with your baby: How to communicate with infants before they can speak, Seattle.

ACREDOLO, L. & GOODWYN, S., (1996). Baby signs: How to talk with your baby before your baby can talk. New-York.

Sites internet

Documents pdf.

Regards sur 20 ans de pratiques du Soutien Gestuel, Rachel Lecoultre

La grenouille qui avait une grande bouche, Valentine Dubois

L’utilisation de signes avec les bébés entendants, Laure Mischler

Signer en psychomotricité, Elisa Pelletier